Why Blogging?

As you may have noticed, I’ve recently started blogging.  This is a hobby that I never (seriously) thought about until recently, like within the last couple months recently.  Oddly enough, I feel like I’ve been writing for years, maybe because expressing myself in this way allows the time to fly by in a wonderful way.  There are multiple reasons why I’ve decided to start this blog and write about this beautiful, sometimes messy, life I’m living.

1. I write because I generally enjoy writing.
Actually, I really love writing.  My original choice for my major in college was English.  I changed my major, because I didn’t like the idea of someone else telling me how my structure in writing should be.  I like to write to relate to people, not to shove facts backed up by precisely three opinions, with four sub-points at someone.  I love hearing what people have on their hearts, I want to hear their stories.

2. I write because I want you to know you’re not alone when you fail.
I want you to learn from the mistakes I’ve made in my walk with Christ, because I’m trying to learn from my mistakes.  I know I have fallen short so many times, but my love for the Father is something so important to me.  I believe that a way I can spread His love is through writing.  I also want to show you how much He has blessed me in some really complicated situations in my life.  I believe that God creates beauty from ashes more frequently than we realize, and so I try to point that out in small moments in my life.

3. I write because I get to be myself.
Society so often reminds us that we’ll never be the best.  When I write, I feel like I’m on top of the world.  Writing this blog allows me to write in my style, about topics I like, at whatever time in the day I’m feeling inspired.  It allows me to escape from reality for a while. And knowing that my words might even inspire a couple of people is pretty cool!  Because again, I love relating to people!

4. I write because I want you to get to know me.
My writing allows you to see me.  You get to hear my stories, maybe my embarrassing moments, my love for the outdoors, and my love for Jesus.  You get to understand where I come from, and possibly where I’m going.  You get to just see me.  The beautifully imperfect, cat mom, who is lucky enough to be the wife of a lumberjack.

5. I write because it allows me to heal.
This is so important for me.  I honestly, had no idea how much healing writing allowed me to do until I wrote Wedding Bells and Little Red Tractors.  Since then, writing has brought my heart so much peace that I never thought could happen.  Writing allows me to look past the imperfections of this world. It allows me to see the beauty that God created for us to know that at the end of the day, He holds our hearts in His hand.

I’m so grateful for the opportunity to write, and to love others through it.  So I end with these questions.  What inspires you?  What hobbies allow you to find happiness?  What is something you do that ultimately heals your heart just a little bit more?

7 Comments Add yours

  1. Look forward to your posts!


  2. soulanceblog says:

    These are all good reasons! I especially identify with #3 and #5. 🙂


  3. Wow. Like really, wow. I can relate so much to this post. 🙂


  4. cabuckels says:

    Great reasons. I am blogging for many of the same reasons.


  5. Avani says:

    you are right. Exactly same reasons..


  6. mphadventuregirl says:

    good reasons to blog.


  7. Right, blogging is the best way to express ourselves in the way we want. Great reasons to blog! 🙂


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