My name is Allie and I’m married to the most incredible man, Seth.  One might say that he is a lumberjack.  He really loves caring for the forest and is currently working as a forester for a company in Pennsylvania.  Together, we have Benny and Eli who both already love the outdoors, coloring, and singing!  I am a woman striving after God’s’ heart and I am blessed by His incredible, undeserved grace.

I am a complete believer that God uses our brokenness to create beautiful things and that His power is evident in our weakness!  I struggle with anxious thoughts, feelings of loneliness, sometimes anger and as well as other past struggles you can read about in my posts.  But what Jesus, God’s perfect son, did on the cross is bigger than all of the painful parts of my past! He has called me to a life of freedom through His soul-saving grace!

I love writing, singing, coloring, tea (hot & iced), family, our cats (Willow and Acacia), and spending time in the great outdoors. I also really love butterflies, I got that from my momma! The best part about these things is that they all bring me closer to God!

10 Comments Add yours

  1. hailangeliccreation says:

    You have a wonderful family with your husband, and I’m glad your faith is so strong. While I can’t say the same for myself, I still believe and hope that my faith in God and Jesus may become stronger over time.
    I wanted to thank you for following me as well, I hope to hear from you more!
    Happy reading, writing, and journeying through life!
    -Author S

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have a really great support system, my husband and I make it are intentional in seeking out the Lord together. Our biggest help in this is praying together daily. God bless!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. hailangeliccreation says:

        That’s great to hear! I’m glad you have a system and a ritual or routine of sorts as that can really help. I used to write daily prayers myself, but I got off the track of doing it. Maybe I can start back up again.
        -Author S


      2. I’d suggest it! I love writing my prayers, it’s very therapeutic for me. Hopefully, you can find some healing in it too!


      3. hailangeliccreation says:

        Thank you very much! I’ll see if I can get back into it. I should probably leave you to your day.
        God bless you.
        -Author S

        Liked by 1 person

  2. lydonlife says:

    Hi Allie,

    You have a beautiful family and I’m glad to see another lady following after Gods heart. I’m on that journey myself and hope to find comfort in your posts. Keep going and I look forward to reading more from you 🙂

    Lydia x

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Maria, a gentle iconoclast says:

    Allie, just want to thank you for subscribing to my little battleground blog. Hope and pray there is something edifying to you! Also know that I will ask for your safety and Benjamin’s in the delivery and Seth’s peace of mind.


    1. Thank you so much. Benjamin is due in just two weeks so he could come any day now! It’s very exciting! I look forward to reading more of your writing!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Maria, a gentle iconoclast says:

        Thanks, Allie! This is so exciting – so much love!!


  4. Liberty on the Lighter Side - (LoLS) says:

    Thanks for the comments and follow and I’m excited for you about the imminent arrival of your baby, be prepared for your heart to grow to enormous proportions – even bigger than your belly!!! PS, You had no idea but I have been waiting for a few weeks for you as you are my 150th follower on WordPress and that’s a big milestone for me. Thanks again 🙂


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